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New Imaging Workstation Provides Superior Sensitivity for Gel/Blot Analyses

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 08 Jan 2013
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Image: The PXi Multiapplication gel and blot imaging system (Photo courtesy of Syngene).
Image: The PXi Multiapplication gel and blot imaging system (Photo courtesy of Syngene).
A new high resolution, multiapplication imaging system includes a wide range of lighting options, a new-generation camera, and specialized software, enabling exceptional sensitivity for analysis of gels and blots.

The PXi gel and blot imaging system from Syngene (Frederick, MD, USA) is a sophisticated and easy-to-use, compact workstation for the capture and image analysis of chemiluminescent and fluorescent blots, fluorescent and IR gels, visible gels and blots, and even 2D gels. PXi is available in three versions - with a 4, 6, or 8 million pixel high performance camera and suitable lens that results in the system having superior sensitivity such that even faint gels, chemiluminescence blots, and faint fluorescent bands can be imaged. In addition, the cameras are cooled to enable longer exposures, which can be a necessity for chemiluminescence and for some fluorescence applications.

The high performance range of PXi has been designed to provide a high level of control and to excel at a wide range of applications. The system has options for advanced automation or manual control. A number of lighting options can be utilized including plug and play LED modules for Red, Green, Blue and IR light. These novel lighting systems provides the user with the ability to perform colored fluorescent, multiplex, and colorimetric imaging. The new UltraSlim blue LED transilluminator provides a solution for imaging “safe dyes.” An integral 7-position filter wheel can accommodate a wide range of Syngene filters. PXi is controlled by the GeneSys acquisition and capture software. Using its database, GeneSys can automatically configure PXi to capture any type of image.

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