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Advanced Instruments Exhibits New Products and Technologies at AACC

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 31 Jul 2018
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Image: The Osmo1 single-sample micro-osmometer (Photo courtesy of Advanced Instruments).
Image: The Osmo1 single-sample micro-osmometer (Photo courtesy of Advanced Instruments).
Advanced Instruments (Norwood, MA, USA) exhibited its new Osmo1 single-sample micro-osmometer, alongside its full line of instrumentation for clinical laboratories, including the Anoxomat III jar system and GloCyte automated cell counter system, at the 70th AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo. Advanced Instruments, a developer of scientific and analytical instruments for the clinical industry, provides solutions and support to the clinical laboratory market.

The new Osmo1 single-sample micro-osmometer can measure the osmolality of specimens, including urine, serum, plasma, stool, and other body fluids, and uses a small 20 μL sample size. It offers workflow efficiency, result security and integrity, connectivity, quality control, and audit control for today’s busy clinical laboratories.

The Anoxomat III is an easy-to-use jar system for microbiology laboratories with the ability to create anaerobic, microaerophilic, and custom environments – such as capnophilic – within a few minutes. The quality control process checks the jar to ensure that there is no leakage and the catalyst is working, and provides the end user with documentation that the jar is under the appropriate environment before the incubation starts. The Anoxomat system offers shorter test times, improved workflow, and reduced operational costs for laboratories.

The GloCyte automated cell counter system combines fluorescence and imaging technology to deliver highly accurate and precise counts of total nucleated cells (TNCs) and red blood cells (RBCs) in cerebrospinal fluid samples. It is the only system that is linear down to 0 cells/μL and has a limit of detection of 1 cell/μL for both RBC and TNC. The GloCyte system requires a small sample volume of only 30 micro liters per test, minimizes manual errors with LIS connectivity, and features a built in quality control system that ensures accurate and precise results.

"Advanced Instruments is committed to supporting patient care by providing innovative technologies that meet the needs of clinical laboratories while helping improve workflow efficiencies," said Byron Selman, CEO of Advanced Instruments. "We look forward to introducing lab techs, managers, and directors to the new products in our portfolio that can contribute to their future success."

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