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Novel Automated IIFT System Enables Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Analysis

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 02 Jun 2023
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Image: The UNIQO 160 (CE-IVDR) advances diagnostic analysis for autoimmune diseases (Photo courtesy of EUROIMMUN)
Image: The UNIQO 160 (CE-IVDR) advances diagnostic analysis for autoimmune diseases (Photo courtesy of EUROIMMUN)

A newly-launched automated indirect immunofluorescence test (IIFT) system for autoimmune disease diagnostics offers an all-in-one solution to enhance the efficiency of the complete IIFT process, comprising sample preparation, incubation, washing, and mounting of slides as well as image acquisition and analysis.

EUROIMMUN (Lübeck, Germany) has introduced the UNIQO 160 (CE-IVDR automated IIFT system, a unique benchtop device that combines a fully automated processing system with a high-quality microscope and can be seamlessly integrated into existing diagnostics laboratory workflows. The device boasts the capability to process 160 primary samples and 18 slides per run, while automatically identifying individual samples, reagents, and slides using barcode recognition. This ensures a high level of reliability and traceability of both materials and samples. Additionally, the UNIQO 160 applies a mounting medium and a cover glass for incubated slides to prevent them from drying out, which is a crucial step for achieving high-quality fluorescence images.

The UNIQO 160 generates brilliant fluorescence images using its optical system's autofocus feature and three automatically interchangeable objectives (4x, 10x, 20x). The captured images are then relayed to the system's EUROLabOffice 4.0 middleware for evaluation. Ideal for medium-throughput laboratories, the UNIQO 160 is the latest addition to EUROIMMUN's range of automated laboratory solutions, joining the likes of the EUROPattern Microscope Live, EUROLabWorkstation IFA, and Sprinter XL systems. The UNIQO 160 is also expected to be compatible with the forthcoming EUROPattern Classifier, a software platform that employs cutting-edge pattern classification using artificial intelligence to assist in the final evaluation and suggest analytical results.

“Traditional IIFT processing can be tedious and time-consuming, requiring the expertise of specially trained lab technicians and a dark room,” said Dr. Bianca Huth, chief technology officer of EUROIMMUN. “The design of the UNIQO 160 system and technologies built into it alleviate laboratories of many common challenges by reducing hands-on time and creating efficiencies through end-to-end automation.”

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