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Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Unveils Next-Gen Analyzer at Lab Show

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 02 Aug 2018
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Image: The VITROS XT 7600 Integrated System (Photo courtesy of Ortho Clinical Diagnostics).
Image: The VITROS XT 7600 Integrated System (Photo courtesy of Ortho Clinical Diagnostics).
Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (Raritan, NJ, USA), a global in vitro diagnostics company, officially unveiled the VITROS XT 7600 Integrated System at the 2018 American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo. Ortho also displayed additional clinical lab and immunohematology analyzers and other solutions at the conference held July 29 - August 2 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Additionally, the company presented seven scientific posters highlighting the performance of assays that are part of its offerings for sepsis, Chagas, diabetes and other conditions.

Ortho is a global in vitro diagnostics company serving the clinical laboratory and immunohematology communities. The company provides sophisticated testing technologies, automation, information management and interpretation tools to clinical laboratories. Ortho's blood typing products for the immunohematology community help ensure that every patient receives safe, right type and right unit of blood.

On display at this year’s AACC was Ortho's latest analyzer to receive CE Mark, the VITROS XT 7600 Integrated System, which combines proprietary dry slide technology with sophisticated digital imaging capabilities and the potential to perform two separate lab tests simultaneously. Other products displayed by Ortho at the event included VITROS 3600 Immunodiagnostic Systems, VITROS 4600 Chemistry Systems, VITROS 5600 Integrated Systems, VITROS Automation Solutions and its immunohematology analyzers, ORTHO VISION and ORTHO VISION Max. Visitors at the company’s booth also explored its virtual reality experience LabBuilder, which allows users to re-imagine what is possible by creating a digital lab that fits their needs.

"Ortho is committed to innovation that helps our customers achieve their goals of enhancing medical value while increasing efficiency," said Robert Yates, chief operating officer for Ortho. "We're delighted to officially reveal at AACC Ortho's VITROS XT 7600, which introduces fundamental change to the way labs operate, and to present insightful posters in the areas of cardiology, infectious disease and endocrinology."

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