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MDx Platform Offers Largest Variety of Leukemia-Related Diagnostic Tests for Early Detection

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 26 Apr 2023
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Image: Lena Q51 is part of the LENA Molecular Dx Leukemia Platform comprising 12 molecular diagnostic tests (Photo courtesy of Alercell)
Image: Lena Q51 is part of the LENA Molecular Dx Leukemia Platform comprising 12 molecular diagnostic tests (Photo courtesy of Alercell)

Leukemia, also known as blood cancer, is a malignant disease affecting the blood system. It is the most common cancer in children under 15, accounting for roughly one-third of all childhood tumors. The number of leukemia cases is rising annually. Traditional leukemia detection involves blood tests followed by a bone marrow biopsy, which can be time-consuming and subjective due to the reliance on human interpretation of cytology. This process typically takes between 3 to 6 weeks. Now, a new molecular leukemia diagnostic platform offers 12 molecular diagnostic tests specialized in leukemia early diagnosis, treatment guidance and MRD (Minimal residual disease) monitoring.

Alercell, Inc. (Bozeman, MT, USA) has unveiled the LENA Molecular Dx Leukemia Platform, a set of 12 next-generation DNA sequencing tests that can be processed using a standard qPCR machine. The tests have a user-friendly protocol, are compatible with standard qPCR equipment, and are designed to fit into the workflow of a clinical microbiology lab. These tests utilize industry-standard PCR and DNA purification technology.

Some of the tests are designated for Research Use Only (RUO), such as the RUO LENA Q51 introduced by Alercell in January 2023. LENA Q51 is the most comprehensive test, encompassing all other tests, although the company aims to make all tests accessible through the platform. Alercell plans to add new tests to cover all aspects of leukemia testing, providing practitioners with a single location for every available test. By offering these tests at competitive prices, Alercell seeks to increase access for more patients, hospitals, and cancer centers, leading to early detection and prompt treatment of leukemia.

“This new platform was designed to create a one-stop-shop for Leukemia, where practitioners do not need to look for many different manufacturers,” said Frederic Scheer, chairman & CEO of Alercell. “Our goal at Alercell is to become the reference for Leukemia and offer a complete solution. Our R&D team is working on additional tests to add to the platform in the months and years to come. I believe that several of the tests designed to improve patient outcomes will assist practitioners in selecting the appropriate therapeutics for Leukemia patients. Early detection drastically enhances the survival rates of patients and Alercell is focusing on making sure that we give every patient the best chances of survival.”

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Alercell, Inc. 

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