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ECCMID 2022 Takes Place for the First Time as Hybrid Event Both Onsite and Online

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 22 Apr 2022
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Image: ECCMID 2022 took place in Lisbon, Portugal from April 23-26 (Photo courtesy of ESCMID)
Image: ECCMID 2022 took place in Lisbon, Portugal from April 23-26 (Photo courtesy of ESCMID)

The 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID 2022) took place in Lisbon, Portugal from April 23-26 – for the first time as a hybrid event both onsite and online.

ECCMID is the world’s premier clinical microbiology & infectious diseases event organized by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID, Basel, Switzerland) that brings together experts from many fields to present their latest findings, guidelines and experiences to an audience of over 14,000 colleagues. This year, the congress featured a hybrid format to facilitate an onsite and online experience for attendees allowing for remote and face-to-face opportunities to take part in the multifaceted program.

ECCMID 2022 offered excellent opportunities to corporate partners to showcase their latest findings, share their experiences and knowledge and demonstrate practical techniques and guidance. A comprehensive program covered the entire range of ECCMID topics with high-level speakers. Participants had the opportunity to meet researchers from many parts of the world to discuss methods, results and the impact on clinical and laboratory practice. Additionally, young professionals had the opportunity to discuss their ideas and projects with renowned experts in a variety of interactive sessions that also provided networking opportunities.

This year’s ECCMID once again featured pipeline corners where innovative companies and research groups were offered a platform to present their early-stage antimicrobial therapies, diagnostic products in development, and research funding opportunities to a wider audience. This was complemented by scientific content co-developed with the industry such as the integrated symposia.

Other new features from ECCMID 2021 that returned this year were the Keynote Fireplace sessions where ECCMID keynote speakers met with a small group of participants to enter a more in-depth discussion on their keynote lecture. Additionally, the infectious disease-themed Escape Room was reprised and updated as an immersive interactive addition.

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