Randox Presents Vivalytic Universal, Fully Automated All-in-One Solution for Molecular Diagnostics at ECCMID 2022
Posted on 25 Apr 2022
Randox Laboratories (Crumlin, UK) presented the Vivalytic Analyzer, an all-in-one solution for PCR rapid tests, developed in partnership with Bosch Healthcare Solutions GmbH (Waiblingen, Germany), at ECCMID 2022. The event which took place in Lisbon, Portugal from April 23-26 offered a wide range of sessions including keynotes, symposia, poster sessions, educational workshops, meet-the-expert sessions and more.
The Vivalytic platform is a universal, fully automated all in one solution for molecular diagnostics. It is a cartridge-based platform enabling Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing and consolidates the full molecular workflow into a small benchtop platform, capable of extraction, PCR amplification and detection. Randox multiplex Biochip Technology powers Vivalytic enabling multiple results from one patient sample. Randox patented Biochip Technology allows simultaneous detection of multiple targets from a single patient sample. The biochip detection system is based on a chemiluminescent signal, this is the emission of light, without heat, as a result of a chemical reaction. Each biochip is prefabricated with spatially discrete testing regions (DTRs). Each DTR represents an individual test. Each DTR can be occupied with oligonucleotides specific to a pathogen or target of interest. The Hi-Plex capabilities of Biochip Technology eliminates the need to run multiple time consuming and sample intensive assays.

The Vivalytic Analyzer unites a wide variety of innovative technologies in one compact device. With only a touch display, a slot for inserting the test cartridge, a button and a scanner, the Analyzer is very intuitive to use. This minimalistic design makes the Vivalytic system very user-friendly: medical professionals require only minimal training to be able to safely operate the Analyzer. Different types of samples can be tested fully automated with the Vivalytic Analyzer. The innovative technology reduces the need for manual preparation. The Analyzer takes over this task before the analysis and evaluation takes place. Depending on the complexity of the test, a PCR test with the Vivalytic Analyzer can take as little as half an hour.
Related Links:
Randox Laboratories
Bosch Healthcare Solutions GmbH