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BioVendor Presents Its Portfolio of IVD Products and Technologies for Lab Automation

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 26 Apr 2022

BioVendor Group (Brno, Czech Republic) celebrated its 30th anniversary by presenting its key product portfolio, including CLIA, NGS, Microblot Array, microRNA and LAMP products, at ECCMID 2022.

In the NGS field, BioVendor showcased its new technology fastGEN for examination of the mutation status of oncomarkers in samples. The technology is based on ultra-deep sequencing of short amplicons obtained by a single polymerase chain reaction with special tagged hybrid primers. The company presented its user-friendly diagnostic kits with software solution for KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, EGFR and IDH 1/2 genes with excellent analytical parameters and fast processing. BioVendor demonstrated its GENOVESA software fastGEN module, a cloud all-in-one solution for the analysis of raw data (FASTQ files) with technical and application support.

Image: KleeYa fully automated CLIA solution (Photo courtesy of BioVendor Group)
Image: KleeYa fully automated CLIA solution (Photo courtesy of BioVendor Group)

Among its solutions for multiplex diagnostics, BioVendor presented Microblot-Array (MBA), a new generation of a market-unique immunoblot array in a microtiter plate format. MBA is designed for efficient multiplex diagnostics, enabling the simultaneous detection of multiple markers which is time and cost-saving. The technology eliminates the limited capacity of traditional BLOT strips and opens the way to high throughput testing. Simple processing can be done manually or automatically using any open ELISA analyzers. The comprehensive evaluation is ensured by the TestLine Reader and Software (SW) for complex image analysis, including results evaluation and connectivity to LIS. BioVendor also showcased its LAMP Assays for the direct detection of target nucleic acids without the need of the isolation step. The unique architecture of the LAMP method ensures its high sensitivity and specificity and a tolerance for inhibitory substances

BioVendor provided a virtual tour of its KleeYa automated CLIA analyzer that offers an attractive portfolio of innovative and established diagnostic parameters and provides a comprehensive chemiluminescence system for diagnostic laboratories. With a graphical user interface, users can learn to control the fully automated system in minutes. KleeYa software is designed to minimize the burden on laboratory staff. Thanks to augmented reality, technical support is available to users at any time, right in the lab with advise on operation, settings and minor service tasks.

Related Links:
BioVendor Group

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