BD Presents Latest Automated Solutions to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance at ECCMID 2022
Posted on 26 Apr 2022
Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) presented its latest automation solutions for clinical laboratories, which may play a critical role in the fight against infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance at ECCMID 2022.
BD showcased its Kiestra lab automation solutions that provide total lab automation for the clinical microbiology lab through modularity, scalability and open architecture. These solutions are designed to increase efficiency, streamline processes, and deliver high quality and consistent results with improved turnaround time. BD Kiestra lab automation offerings include complementary and modular microbiology workflow automation solutions, ranging from standalone units to fully automated track-based automation systems for mid- and high-volume labs.

On display was the BD Kiestra IdentifA solution, which is available as part of a track-based BD Kiestra laboratory automation solution, and supports specimen preparation workflows for routine and challenging isolate types in combination with identification on the BD Bruker MALDI Biotyper. The BD Kiestra IdentifA solution helps bring accuracy and efficiency to preparing samples for microbial identification. By automating the sample processing steps required to identify a microorganism, this solution helps reduce potential for user error while providing clinicians with bacterial identification for a patient suspected of having an infection.
BD also demonstrated its BACTEC FX blood culturing instruments used with patented resin-containing media have shown higher rates of organism recovery, allowing for proper diagnosis and treatment of bloodstream infections. The BD BACTEC FX builds on the proven superior fluorescence detection technology, exceptional media performance and instrument reliability of the BD BACTEC 9000 blood culture systems. Also on display at the event was the BD MAX System, a fully-integrated, automated platform that performs nucleic acid extraction and real-time PCR providing results for up to 24 samples across multiple syndromes in less than three hours.
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Becton, Dickinson and Company