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Abbott Diagnostics Exhibits POC Diagnostics Solutions at AACC

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 05 Aug 2019
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Image: The ID NOW isothermal system for the qualitative detection of infectious diseases (Photo courtesy of Abbott Diagnostics).
Image: The ID NOW isothermal system for the qualitative detection of infectious diseases (Photo courtesy of Abbott Diagnostics).
Abbott Diagnostics (Lake Bluff, IL, USA) exhibited its range of rapid Point-of-Care (POC) diagnostics solutions at the 71st AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo held in Anaheim, California, USA. The annual event held by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) showcased the cutting-edge science and technology shaping the future of laboratory medicine.

At AACC 2019, Abbott exhibited ID NOW, a rapid, instrument-based, isothermal system for the qualitative detection of infectious diseases. The ID NOW isothermal nucleic acid amplification technology provides molecular results in just minutes, allowing users to make effective clinical decisions sooner. ID NOW is significantly faster than other molecular methods and more accurate than conventional rapid tests and can have a positive impact in any healthcare setting.

Abbott also showcased its Afinion 2 Analyzer, a compact, rapid, multi-assay analyzer that provides valuable near patient testing at the POC. Designed to enable simple and fast on-the-spot testing, regardless of the sample type, the Afinion System makes it fast and easy to test quantitative determinations of HbA1c, Lipid Panel, ACR, and CRP. By delivering accurate results during patient consultation, it eliminates the need to send patients to the lab or spend time tracking down their results for improved patient management.

Abbott also demonstrated its RALS POC Data management system, which provides immediate and remote access to patient and quality control results from the POCT devices being used. Unlike data management solutions that use a device-specific data manager between the device and their system, the RALS System can manage all devices, all patient results, all operators, all consumables and all reports —from a single-system solution.

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