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BioVendor Group Unveils Latest Innovations in Immunodiagnostics and Molecular Diagnostics

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 08 Feb 2024
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Image: A wide portfolio from BioVendor LM, BioVendor MDx, TestLine, DiaSource, and ViennaLab highlighted at Medlab Middle East 2024 (Photo courtesy of BioVendor)
Image: A wide portfolio from BioVendor LM, BioVendor MDx, TestLine, DiaSource, and ViennaLab highlighted at Medlab Middle East 2024 (Photo courtesy of BioVendor)

BioVendor Group (Brno, Czech Republic) is participating in Medlab Middle East 2024 where it is unveiling the latest innovations in immunodiagnostics and molecular diagnostics. Visitors to the BioVendor booth at the show can explore its portfolio and meet experts from BioVendor LM, BioVendor MDx, TestLine, DiaSource, and ViennaLab to discuss how its advancements can benefit their work in the field of laboratory medicine.

BioVendor Group CLIA solution brings a fully automated walk-away platform, which significantly increases the efficiency of the laboratory workflow. It redefines the standards of fluency of diagnostic laboratories and provides reliable results. The KleeYa analyzer is also part of the booth and is being demonstrated to visitors by an application specialist. The KleeYa analyzer is an open platform system that handles tests from various providers and can combine a wide variety of assay designs. KleeYa provides a unique approach to the use of different bead-based chemiluminescence technologies, offering superior assay performance and providing ease of use with cost containment.

At the BioVendor booth, TestLine is presenting its latest innovations in laboratory diagnostics that are shaping the future of diagnostics. Visitors can explore the versatility of its Microblot-Array technology and its impact on the development of laboratory diagnostics worldwide. Microblot–Array is a new generation of unique, immunoblot arrays in a microtiter plate format. It is designed for efficient multiplex diagnostics, enabling the simultaneous detection of multiple markers which can save time and lower costs. The technology eliminates the limited capacity of traditional BLOT strips and opens the opportunity for high throughput testing. Processing can be performed automatically using open ELISA analyzers. The evaluation is performed by the Microblot–Array Reader and software (SW). Results can be exported in various formats and the system can be connected to LIS.

DiaSource ImmunoAssays is also sharing the same booth as BioVendor Group where it is presenting its latest diagnostic devices, recent innovations, and equipment in the fields of immunodiagnostics and molecular diagnostics. On display are the company’s RIA instruments, IMMUNOBLOT instruments, ELISA instruments, and CLIA instruments. Experts from BioVendor MDx are presenting its expanded fastGEN portfolio with user-friendly kits for the analysis of various genes. The latest addition is the fastGEN TP53 Cancer kit which is intended for the detection of mutations in exons 2-11 as well as in the two non-canonical exons between exons 9 and 10. Visitors to the booth can also learn more about the all-in-one solution fastGEN including bioinformatic analysis software GENOVESA.

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