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DAS Srl Exhibits Range of Fully Automated Systems at MEDLAB Middle East 2020

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 06 Feb 2020
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DAS Srl (Lazio, Italy) displayed the AP22 IF BLOT ELITE system and its lineup of standalone instruments at MEDLAB Middle East, one of the world’s major events in the field of medical diagnostics that was held in Dubai World Trade Center and attended by thousands of visitors from over 135 countries.

At this year’s MEDLAB, DAS Srl displayed the AP 22 IF BLOT ELITE fully automated system for ELISA and IFA and BLOT methods which can run two ELISA micro-plates with eight tests on line, 16 IFA slides or 24 BLOT strips. In addition to ELISA and IFA processing (AP22, AP22 IF), it can carry out full automation for the Dot/Western Blot, thanks to the blot module and a camera, starting from sample dilution and dispense, reagent dispense, incubation, strip washing to the dot imaging processing and assessment for each strip.

DAS Srl also exhibited its lineup of standalone instruments, including PLATE READER, an eight channel photometer for sequential and simultaneous reading of micro-plate strips with 96 wells; PLATE WASHER, an automated washer for micro-plates with 96 wells featuring an original and versatile aspirate and dispense system that requires less than 3µl of residue washing liquid; and STRIP READER, a one channel photometer able that can read strips with 8/12 wells or part of them and is a mono and bi-chromatic reading system.

DAS Srl also displayed NEO-BIL Plus, an advanced and innovative version of traditional bilirubinometers for analyzing the 'total bilirubin' through a microcapillary tube without using reagents. It performs precise sample measurement of both bilirubin and interferentials on the same point of the capillary through a special reading system using a small quantity of serum. At MEDLAB 2020, DAS Srl exhibited the HB ANALYZER PLUS, a hemoglobinometer for fast and accurate determination of hemoglobin using the cyanmetahemoglobin method. The HB ANALYZER PLUS immediately displays the direct reading, expressed in concentration (g/l, g/dl, mmol/l).

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