Randox Showcases New All-In-One Solution for Molecular Diagnostics at MEDLAB Middle East 2020
By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 05 Feb 2020
Randox Biosciences, a part of Randox Laboratories, (Crumlin, UK), showcased its new Vivalytic molecular diagnostic platform at MEDLAB Middle East, the largest medical laboratory exhibition and congress in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region.Posted on 05 Feb 2020
Vivalytic is the newest offering from Randox Biosciences for the molecular diagnostic industry to test for respiratory, genitourinary and hospital acquired infections. The Vivalytic platform, which is capable of both Hi-Plex and Lo-Plex testing, combines nucleic acid extraction, PCR amplification followed by a suite of detection methods in a fully automated platform. Manual preparation, cold chain reagents and the use of multiple devices are no longer required, making Vivalytic a unique space-saving, hygienic solution for molecular diagnostic testing.

Randox Biosciences also showcased its Evidence series of immunoassay analyzers that have been developed using its patented Biochip Array Technology, which includes multiplex protein immunoassays and multiplex nucleic acid arrays. Biochip Array Technology is a multi-analyte testing platform facilitating the simultaneous quantitative or qualitative detection of a wide range of analytes from a single sample. Biochip provides a unique platform for assessment in a rapid, accurate and easy to use format. Additionally, Randox Quality Control highlighted its newly-launched Infectious Disease Serology Internal Quality Controls, which include Lyme Disease, ToRCH, EBV, HIV, HAV, HTLV, CMV, VZV and much more. All the samples are provided in a user-friendly, liquid ready-to-use format, thus significantly reducing preparation time and the risk of pipetting errors.
At this year’s MEDLAB Middle East, Randox Laboratories presented its RX series of clinical chemistry analyzers which feature robust hardware combined with intuitive software for ensuring precise and accurate results. Its extensive test menu delivers consolidation and can help to bring testing in house, reducing both costs and time. Additionally, Randox Laboratories showcased its wide range of reagents for advancing biochemistry testing for laboratories, including niche and superior performance assays which cover routine and novel markers. Applications are available detailing instrument-specific settings for the convenient use of Randox reagents on a wide range of clinical chemistry analyzers. Randox Laboratories also highlighted its range of complete QC solutions comprising true third-party controls for a wide range of testing, including molecular infectious diseases, inter-laboratory data management software and the world’s largest international EQA scheme – RIQAS.
Related Links:
Randox Laboratories