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Automated Molecular Diagnostics System Presented at AACC 2015

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 30 Jul 2015
Print article
The ELITe InGenius fully automated molecular diagnostics system
The ELITe InGenius fully automated molecular diagnostics system (Photo courtesy of ELITechGroup SAS)
A fully automated molecular diagnostics system has been presented that automatically performs nucleic acid extraction and purification from a large panel of biological specimens, amplification and detection of the nucleic acid extracted by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and result analysis.

The system automatically performs all the steps of molecular diagnostics including extraction, amplification and result analysis with one to 12 samples being processed with greater flexibility. The system offers the possibility to potentially mix any kind of sample matrices within the same run and perform multiple and independent PCR even with completely diverse thermal profiles simply on demand. In addition, each of the 12 real-time PCR thermal cyclers is equipped with six-optical channels, supplemented when appropriate with melt-curve analysis to provide extended multiplexing capability.

The system called of ELITe InGenius (ELITechGroup; Puteaux, France) in collaboration with Precision System Science, Co., Ltd. (PSS; Matsudo, Japan) is on the verge of receiving the upcoming Conformité Européenne – In Vitro Diagnostics (CE-IVD) marking for IVD applications in Europe and the upcoming availability of the instrument as Laboratory Use Equipment in the USA. The system is enabled with a unique real-time PCR menu based on ELITechGroup’s proven MGB technology, providing a rapid introduction of CE-IVD infectious disease menu for transplant monitoring and Healthcare Acquired Infections, also known as nosocomial infections. The versatile system can also be used as an open platform running laboratory developed tests or other tests of interest.

Christoph Gauer, CEO of ELITechGroup, said, “The launch of the ELITe InGenius system is a major step forward in our strategy to offer global solutions for Molecular Diagnostics. In partnership with PSS, we have taken advantage of decades of development expertise in molecular diagnostics chemistry and our proprietary real-time PCR menu to develop and validate a complete sample-to-result solution for infectious disease testing. The ELITe InGenius is a real breakthrough for molecular diagnostics. It combines unique capabilities not available on other sample-to-result systems, like universal extraction, storage of extracted nucleic acid and multiple and independently controlled RT-PCR with multiplexing capabilities, offering to the laboratory an unprecedented flexibility and assay menu possibility.” The ELITe InGenius system was shown at booth 2525 at the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) meeting held July 28–30, 2015, in Atlanta (GA, USA).

Related Links:

Precision System Science 
American Association of Clinical Chemistry

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