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Mammoth Biosciences Presents AACC 2021 Disruptive Technology Award Finalist CRISPR-Based Detection Platform

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 29 Sep 2021
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Mammoth Biosciences (San Francisco, CA, USA) presented its revolutionary CRISPR-based detection platform that is enabling limitless testing possibilities and was also one of the AACC 2021 Disruptive Technology award finalists.

Mammoth has catalyzed a new approach to molecular diagnostics, called DETECTR. Based on CRISPR, this programmable platform acts as a search engine for biology and is capable of finding and identifying any nucleic acid sequence in the genome. Using proprietary technology licensed exclusively from the University of California, Berkeley and developed internally, Mammoth is working on multiple form factors and test targets from infectious diseases to cancer. For example, DETECTR was configured in less than two weeks to detect SARS-CoV-2, demonstrating the platform’s ability to be quickly tailored to identify any DNA or RNA target. The resulting product, DETECTR BOOST, is a reagent kit that when combined with standard laboratory automation provides labs with unparalleled high throughput molecular testing.

Mammoth was also one of the AACC 2021 Disruptive Technology award finalists. AACC's Disruptive Technology Award Competition recognizes innovative testing and disruptive technology solutions that improve patient care through diagnostic performance or access to high quality testing. It provides an opportunity for early to mid-stage start-ups in the medical device, diagnostic, or digital health/health IT spaces to showcase their technology and present to a large audience and a panel of judges.

Related Links:
Mammoth Biosciences 

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