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Randox Showcases Latest Product Portfolio and Services at MEDLAB Middle East 2021

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 23 Jun 2021
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Image: Randox Showcases Latest Product Portfolio and Services at MEDLAB Middle East 2021 (Photo courtesy of Randox Laboratories)
Image: Randox Showcases Latest Product Portfolio and Services at MEDLAB Middle East 2021 (Photo courtesy of Randox Laboratories)
Randox Laboratories (Crumlin, UK) shared a wealth of new products and innovative technologies with the industry at the 2021 edition of MEDLAB Middle East.

Randox has developed a range of new tests for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) targeting genes in line with WHO & CDC recommendations. Utilizing Patented Biochip Technology, with results available from the Vivalytic, Evidence Investigator and Randox Discovery, capable of detecting both SARS-CoV-2 and Sarbecovirus (confirmatory target), to report SARS-CoV-2 positive patient samples. The Vivalytic, Evidence Investigator and Randox Discovery platforms were on display at this year’s MEDLAB Middle East.

Randox also showcased its new benchtop lab - Randox Discovery - an exciting and unique analyzer consolidating molecular and immunoassay workflows onto one compact benchtop platform. The COVID-19 diagnostic analyzer is the first to combine sample preparation techniques including extraction, PCR & Biochip Technology. Simple and easy to use, the intuitive user-interface guides the operator through the entire testing process. Built with the user and laboratory in mind, a single operator is all that is required to run up to three fully automated discovery platforms increasing operator walkaway time and ensuring rapid turnaround time of three hours to first batch results.

In addition, Randox presented the RX series of clinical chemistry analyzers that offer the world’s most extensive dedicated clinical chemistry test menu comprising routine chemistries, specific proteins, lipids, therapeutic drugs, drugs of abuse, antioxidants, veterinary and diabetes testing. They guarantee real cost savings through consolidation of routine and specialized tests onto a single platform. The RX series analyzers - RX MISANO, RX MONACO, RX DAYTONA+,

RX IMOLA and RX MODENA - deliver excellence in patient care, offering unrivalled precision with excellent reagent CV ranges, providing laboratories with the upmost reliability, analyser uptime and accuracy of patient results. With their extensive test menu and versatile range of analyzers, the RX series presents the ultimate in performance, functionality and efficiency with testing capabilities to suit all laboratory sizes and types. Renowned for robust hardware and intuitive software, the RX series continues to revolutionize testing in a variety of laboratory types including; Clinical Laboratories, University & Research Institutes, Veterinary Laboratories and Food & Wine Testing Laboratories.

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Randox Laboratories

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