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Das SRL Exhibits New Lab Solutions at MEDLAB 2017

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 09 Feb 2017
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Image: The AP22 IF BLOT ELITE system (Photo courtesy of Das SRL).
Image: The AP22 IF BLOT ELITE system (Photo courtesy of Das SRL).
Das SRL, which designs, manufactures, and markets analyzers and automated equipment for application in immuno-enzimatic, immuno-fluorescence, and clinical chemistry, exhibited its AP22 IF BLOT ELITE system and NEO BIL Plus bilirubinometer at MEDLAB 2017.

Italy-based Das SRL offers systems for automated ELISA process on micro-plates and immunofluorescence on slides; readers and washers for laboratories using micro-titre plates or micro-strips; programmable semi-automated photometers for clinical chemistry analysis; and neonatal bilirubinometers for bilirubin monitoring using centrifuged whole blood samples.

The company’s AP22 IF BLOT ELITE is a fully automated system for ELISA and IFA and BLOT methods. The instrument is capable of running 2 ELISA micro-plates with 8 tests on line, 16 IFA slides or 24 BLOT strips. It can perform full automation for the Dot/Western Blot, from sample dilution and dispensing, reagent dispensing, incubation, and strip washing to dot imaging processing and assessment for each strip.

Also on display at the 4-day exhibition held from February 6-9, 2017, in Dubai, UAE was Das SRL’s NEO BIL Plus, an advanced version of traditional bilirubinometers, designed to analyze the 'total bilirubin' through a microcapillary tube. NEO BIL Plus features a special reading system, which can carry out a precise sample measurement of both bilirubin and interferentials at the same point of the capillary using a small quantity of serum and without any reagents.

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