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Norma Diagnostika Showcases Icon Hematology Analyzers at MEDLAB

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 09 Feb 2017
Norma Diagnostika GmbH, a designer and supplier of blood analysis systems serving the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) market, showcased its Icon hematology analyzers at MEDLAB 2017 held in Dubai, UAE, from February 6-9, 2017.

Norma Diagnostika’s product range consists of analyzers and reagents for clinical chemistry, hematology, as well as ion selective analyzers for medical clinics. At MEDLAB 2017, the company exhibited the Icon 3, a 3-part differential hematology analyzer, and the Icon 5, a 5-part differential hematology analyzer.

Image: The Icon 5 hematology analyzer (Photo courtesy of Norma Diagnostika).
Image: The Icon 5 hematology analyzer (Photo courtesy of Norma Diagnostika).

The Icon 3 provides a 22-parameter complete cell blood count report, including histograms for WBC, RBC and PLT, and also measures capillary blood samples. The Icon 5 provides a 26-parameter complete cell blood count report, including RBC and PLT histograms, as wells as a 5-part WBC scattergram, using laser based flow cytometry with forward-scattered light detection and volumetric impedance measuring method. The Icon hematology analyzers use microfluidics technology, which enables reagent consumption to be reduced by more than 70% as compared to other analyzers on the market.

Both the Icon hematology analyzers have one of the smallest dimensions within their class, which allows them to be used in emergency departments, ICUs, private clinics, blood banks, and mobile care units.

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