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Innovative Information System Optimizes Laboratory Processes

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 03 Aug 2016
The CGM LABDAQ TELEIOS is a rules-based technology that supports compliance with best practices, medical necessity checking, and billing interfaces. Order routing rules automatically order reference lab versus in-house tests – based on patient insurance – to ensure reimbursement and minimize denials. Instrument data and quality control metrics are electronically captured and reviewed, and an advanced data-mining tool helps identify actionable insights needed to improve patient outcomes and make more informed business decisions.

Built on an Oracle database, CGM LABDAQ TELEIOS is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)-compliant and includes a special quality module to simplify compliance and laboratory inspections. The system seamlessly integrates with a wide variety of electronic health record (EHR), billing systems, and reference lab interfaces, supporting meaningful use efforts and simplifying data exchange. Frequent updates and enhancements allow CGM LABDAQ TELEIOS to grow with customer needs. The CGM LABDAQ TELEIOS, a product of CompuGroup Medical (Phoenix, AZ USA), will be unveiled at AACC 2016.

Image: The new laboratory information system increases efficiency, streamlines workflow, reduces turnaround times, and promotes patient safety (Photo courtesy of CompuGroup Medical).
Image: The new laboratory information system increases efficiency, streamlines workflow, reduces turnaround times, and promotes patient safety (Photo courtesy of CompuGroup Medical).

“There is no better event in the laboratory space to truly show off CGM LADDAQ TELEIOS than at AACC, where we can demonstrate this powerful product to more than 20,000 laboratory scientists from around the world,” said Carl Smith, general manager of the CompuGroup Medical North America Lab Division. “The CGM LABDAQ team is excited about what this solution can do and the value it will bring to its users.”

The American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC; Washington, DC, USA) is an international scientific/medical society of over 8,000 clinical laboratory professionals, physicians, research scientists and more. The AACC annual meeting, which will be held from July 31st to August 4th at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia (USA), features five days of educational sessions on scientific, clinical, technical and management challenges facing laboratory professionals, as well as the world’s largest Clinical Lab Expo.

Related Links:
CompuGroup Medical
American Association for Clinical Chemistry

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