Adaptable Lateral Flow Test Reader Being Promoted at AACC Annual Meeting
By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 01 Aug 2016
A lateral flow test reader for either existing assays or for user-designed tests will be highlighted at the 2016 AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo (Philadelphia, PA, USA).Posted on 01 Aug 2016
Abingdon Health (York, United Kingdom) will be highlighting its [U.S.] Food and Drug Administration registered and CE marked lateral flow reader, the ADxLR5, in Booth 3838 at the Philadelphia meeting.

Image: The ADxLR5 lateral flow assay reader (Photo courtesy of Abingdon Health).
The next generation ADxLR5 Lateral Flow Assay reader incorporates a 10.1-inch touch screen with graphical user interface and icon driven software. The sample draw with interchangeable inserts allows for the reading of a wide range of devices and assays. Connectivity is via two USB ports, Ethernet connection, or WiFi.
The ADxLR5 reader complements Abingdon Health's Seralite – FLC (free light chain) rapid test for the quantitative measurement of kappa and lambda immunoglobulin free light chains in serum. The format of this rapid test enables a free light chain service to be offered in all clinical laboratories with results available in about 10 minutes rather than days or weeks.
In addition, The ADxLR5 is fully customizable for user-designed fluorescence or colorimetric tests and is compatible with most formats of cassettes and test strips. The instrument includes touchscreen PC software to augment flexible test system development.
Related Links:
AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo
Abingdon Health