HORIBA Medical Launches HELO and Yumizen G Range
By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 05 Feb 2018
Posted on 05 Feb 2018
HORIBA Medical (Montpellier, France) showcased and launched the HELO island configuration solution and the new Yumizen G Range of coagulation analyzers at MEDLAB Middle East, the world’s largest attended laboratory and IVD exhibition and conference.

Image: The G800 coagulation analyzer (Photo courtesy of HORIBA Medical).
HORIBA Medical is one of the five segments of the Japanese HORIBA Group and one of the global leaders in the hematology market. At the MEDLAB Middle East 2018 held from February 5-8, 2018 in Dubai, UAE, the company showcased HELO (HORIBA Evolutive Laboratory Organization), an innovative design solution covering all the needs of high throughput automated hematology platforms. The HELO solution is based on four fundamentals pillars: using reference methods to count cells, simplifying the user interface with its solution, consider tube workflow management differently from the competition and purpose a scalable solution to fit laboratory needs. With features such as high throughput of 120 samples per hour, automatic slide maker/stainer, comprehensive automated slide digitalization, automated conveyor with multi possible configurations, hematology middleware and expert validation station, HELO provides the optimum answer to the constant evolution of the laboratory.
HORIBA Medical also showcased the new Yumizen G Range of coagulation analyzers, which includes the Yumizen G1550, Yumizen G800, Yumizen G400, Yumizen G200 and Yumizen G100. The Yumizen G100 is the smallest analyzer for point of care laboratories to monitor oral anticoagulant, whereas the Yumizen G1550 is a fully automated, high-capacity coagulation analyzer to manage the diagnostic and monitoring requirements of clinical laboratories with mid to high workload.