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EKF Diagnostics Showcases Latest Data Management Solutions

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 05 Feb 2018
EKF Diagnostics (Cardiff, UK) showcased its latest data management solutions for the DiaSpect Tm hemoglobin analyzer and Quo-Test HbA1c analyzer at MEDLAB Middle East 2018 held in Dubai, UAE from February 5-8, 2018.

The DiaSpect Tm hemoglobin analyzer (Photo courtesy of EKF Diagnostics).
The DiaSpect Tm hemoglobin analyzer (Photo courtesy of EKF Diagnostics).
EKF was among the exhibitors at the event who showcased the latest innovations, products and cutting-edge technologies available in the IVD, medical laboratory and healthcare market. Among the company’s range of Point of Care (POC) hemoglobin analyzers displayed at MEDLAB Middle East were Hemo Control, DiaSpect Tm and HemataStat II. The Hemo Control POC hemoglobin analyzer is designed to provide quantitative, lab quality hemoglobin results from 25 seconds and is used in blood banks, hospitals and doctors’ offices for routine screening for anemia. The company’s DiaSpect Tm is the world’s fastest hemoglobin analyzer. DiaSpect Tm and delivers laboratory quality results in just about one second of the microcuvette being placed into the analyzer. The HemataStat II is a microhematocrit centrifuge that provides a quantitative hematocrit reading for up to six blood samples from one 60 second spin.
Among EKF’s range of POC diabetes analyzers on display at this year’s MEDLAB Middle East was Quo-Lab, Quo-Test, Biosen and STAT-Site M BHB. The Quo-Lab HbA1c is a semi-automated desktop analyzer for measuring glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), while the Quo-Test HbA1c system is a fully automated hemoglobin A1c analyzer. The Biosen series of glucose analyzers include three different models and can be manufactured as single channel glucose systems or as dual channel systems that can measure lactate at the same time. The STAT-Site M BHB analyzer is used for the quantitative determination of B-Hydroxybutyrate (Beta-Hydroxybutyrate or BHB) in serum or plasma. EKF also displayed products for maternal & women’s health, including the Creamatocrit Plus POC analyzer and pregnancy tests.
At MEDLAB Middle East 2018, EKF also showcased products from its Central Laboratory division, which included the Stanbio Chemistry range of reagents, controls, calibrators and standards and its own range of benchtop lab analyzers.        

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