Oruba Presents State-of-the-Art Self-Operating Uroflowmeters
Posted on 15 Nov 2023
Oruba Technology & Innovation (Langenfeld, Germany) is demonstrating its state-of-the-art self-operating uroflowmeters at MEDICA 2023.
Oruba is showcasing Oruflow, the world’s first self-operating uroflowmeter. As a point-of-care diagnostic device, it eases and accelerates the uroflowmetry process in a hygienic and comfortable atmosphere. The self-cleaning and hygienic point-of-care solution has revolutionized the process of uroflowmetry, making it a crucial part of every hospital and urology clinic. The self-operating uroflowmeter can be operated in easy steps. The patient first has to scan the hospital barcode to start the examination. The on-board screen helps the patients and guides them during the examination. Oruba Oruflow measures the test parameters and prepares the report. The patient then uses the hospital barcode to let Oruba Oruflow save the examination report into the hospital information system automatically. The patient can receive the results of the examination in seconds without any operator guidance.

As soon as the urination finishes, Oruba Oruflow prints the results out and cleans itself automatically. The patient can go to the doctor directly and the device gets ready for the next examination in one minute. Oruba Oruflow does not require an operator or nurse guidance and the patient does the test in an actual restroom comfort. Oruba Oruflow technology creates a hygienic and relaxed clinical atmosphere and prevents the unpleasant smell and dirt problem. Oruba Oruflow’s high-developed IoT technology and auto-notification system allows it to provide online technical service and solve the problem in minutes. The yearly maintenance and software upgrades are done from the Oruba HQ
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Oruba Technology & Innovation