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Molecular Diagnostics

Image: The BD LSR Fortessa X-20 is a premium flow cytometer that brings endless possibilities to multicolor cell analysis (Photo courtesy of BD Biosciences)

Stem Cell Architecture Drives Myelodysplastic Syndrome Progression

Researchers from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center discovered that treatment resistance in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) is caused by two distinct classes of stem cells and identified possible therapeutic approaches that target these cells. Their findings, which could have significant benefits for patients with disease progression, were published today in Nature Medicine. More...
10 Mar 2022
Image: The Oxford Nanopore GridION (ONT GridION) allows sequencing of very long native DNA or RNA molecules up to megabase size or more (average generally in the 10-50kb range depending on the sample preparation method) (Photo courtesy of Oxford Nanopore Technologies)

Single Test for Over 50 Genetic Diseases Cuts Diagnosis from Decades to Days

A single DNA test has been developed that can screen a patient's genome for over 50 genetic neurological and neuromuscular diseases such as Huntington's disease, muscular dystrophies and fragile X syndrome. The new test avoids a 'diagnostic odyssey' for patients that can take decades. The team has shown that the test is accurate. They are now working on validations to make it available in pathology labs. They expect it to be standard in global pathology labs within five years. More...
09 Mar 2022
Image: A `lab-in-a-box`, the PLUM reader (Portable, Low-cost, User-friendly, Multimode), presents results from up to 384 patient samples and displays them in a single image capture (Photo courtesy of Livia Guo, LSK Technologies)

Paper-Based Portable Diagnostic Platform Accurately Detects Mosquito-Borne Diseases Under Field Conditions

Field trails conducted in Latin America have shown that a paper-based portable diagnostic platform could accurately detect patients with mosquito-borne diseases with sensitivities equivalent to laboratory PCR tests. More...
09 Mar 2022
Image: The Wyss Institute’s eRapid electrochemical sensor technology (Photo courtesy of Harvard Wyss Institute)

Low-Cost Multiplexed Electrochemical Biomarker Detection Platform to Be Commercialized in POC Diagnostics

A low-cost multiplexed electrochemical biomarker detection platform will be commercialized in point-of-care diagnostics to be put into the hands of patients and primary health practitioners. More...
09 Mar 2022
Image: The Chemagic Magnetic Separation Module I is the complete solution for preparation of nucleic acids from various sample material, such as blood, tissue, bacteria, plasma, saliva etc. (Photo courtesy of PerkinElmer Chemagen Technologie)

Inherited Cancer Risk Detected in Significant Subset of Wilms Tumor Cases

Roughly one in every three children with a type of kidney cancer known as Wilms tumor, or nephroblastoma, carry germline alterations implicated in hereditary cancer risk, new research suggests — findings that have prompted more widespread genetic testing for Dutch children with the condition. More...
08 Mar 2022
Image: Schematics of the general process of Raman data collection and analysis (Photo courtesy of KAIST)

'Fingerprint' Machine Learning Technique Identifies Different Bacteria in Seconds​

A synergistic combination of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and deep learning serves as an effective platform for separation-free detection of bacteria in arbitrary media. More...
08 Mar 2022
Image: Illustration depicting taking a lumbar puncture sample of CSF for liquid biopsy testing (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Liquid Biopsy of Cerebrospinal Fluid for Diagnosis of Medulloblastoma

A recent study found that young patients with the aggressive brain cancer medulloblastoma have a unique molecular makeup in their cerebrospinal fluid, which might be useful for diagnosis and monitoring the presence of a tumor in the central nervous system. More...
08 Mar 2022
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Rickettsia Conorii Assay
Antipsychotic TDM Assays
Saladax Antipsychotic Assays
PoC Testing Device
Blood Culture Identification Fungal Pathogen Panel
cobas eplex BCID-FP panel

Genetic Testing channel of LabMedica brings the latest in molecular genetics, cytogenetics, and epigenetics, and methods from PCR to FISH, and more.