Automated Cell Separation Achieved for Three Cell Types Simultaneously

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 06 May 2014
The automated isolation of cells directly from whole blood or buffy coat is based on magnetic bead technology.

DiaSorin (Saluggia, Italy) has launched LIAISON Ixt/Arrow CellSep Advanced, which can isolate up to 3 cell types per sample in just 32 minutes per cell type, offering significant time savings compared to manual cell separation methods.

Image: New LIAISON Ixt/Arrow CellSep Advanced provides rapid, automated cell separation for up to three cell types in a single run (Photo courtesy of DiaSorin).

CellSep Advanced is designed for use on the LIAISON Ixt/Arrow instrument for the separation of 1, 2, or 3 cell types in up to 12 samples at a time. Requiring minimal hands-on intervention CellSep Advanced produces good yields of purified cell preparations ready for use in a wide range of downstream applications, including lineage-specific chimerism analysis. The Ixt/Arrow automated platform also minimizes human error and ensures reproducibility between runs for consistent and reliable downstream analysis.

The LIAISON Ixt/Arrow instrument can also be used for DNA extraction using the Ixt/Arrow Blood DNA extraction kit, ensuring streamlined processing of samples and, by reducing instrumentation requirements, saving valuable bench space in the laboratory.

DiaSorin is a leader in the field of biotechnology. For over 40 years the company has been developing, producing, and marketing reagent kits for in vitro diagnostics worldwide. With their most recent acquisition of the NorDiag Group, DiaSorin gains access to the nucleic acid isolation and cell separation markets. Its line of products used by diagnostic laboratories that are part of hospital facilities or operate independently (private diagnostic services laboratories) can meet the needs of the following clinical areas: infectious diseases, cardiac markers, bone metabolism, hepatitis and retrovirus, oncology, and endocrinology.

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