World’s Largest Image-Based AI Models for Digital Pathology and Oncology to Fight Cancer

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 19 Sep 2023

Two major companies have come together with the goal of revolutionizing cancer diagnosis and treatment by creating the world's most extensive image-based AI models in the fields of digital pathology and oncology.

Paige (New York, NY, USA) and Microsoft (Redmond, WA, USA) are collaborating to build the world's biggest AI model based on images. Paige has already built the first Large Foundation Model, which incorporates over a billion images from half a million pathology slides covering various types of cancer. Together with Microsoft, Paige is working on a new AI model that is far larger than any other image-based AI model currently in existence. Designed with billions of parameters, this model aims to capture the subtle complexities of cancer. This model is expected to serve as the cornerstone for future clinical tools and computational biomarkers that could reshape the fields of oncology and pathology.

Image: Paige’s advanced digital pathology and AI software transform the way pathologists work and labs operate (Photo courtesy of Paige)

For the next stage of this development, Paige plans to add up to four million digitized microscope slides from its enormous, petabyte-scale collection of clinical data, covering multiple cancer types. To make this happen, Paige will leverage Microsoft's advanced supercomputing capabilities to train this colossal AI model. Once ready, the technology is set to be deployed to hospitals and labs worldwide via Microsoft's Azure platform.

“Paige has been at the forefront of innovation since its inception, and by combining Microsoft’s expertise and enormous compute power with Paige’s deep expertise in AI, technology, and digital pathology, we strongly believe we will significantly advance the state-of-the-art in cancer imaging. Through the development of this model, we will help improve the lives of the millions of people who are affected by cancer every day,” said Razik Yousfi, SVP of Technology at Paige.

“Paige technology already goes beyond what is humanly possible today and helps physicians deliver better cancer care with AI support. By realizing the potential of generative AI at unprecedented scale, the Paige model collaboration with Microsoft is a milestone in the history of oncology. It opens a window into the microscopic world with extraordinary fidelity, allowing for not only much higher accuracy but completely novel capabilities,” said Thomas Fuchs, Dr.Sc., Founder and Chief Scientist of Paige.

“By combining Microsoft’s world-class research and cloud infrastructure with Paige’s deep expertise and large-scale data, we are creating new AI models that will enable unprecedented insights into the pathology of cancer,” said Desney Tan, Vice President and Managing Director, Microsoft Health Futures, “Unleashing the power of AI is a game changer in advancing healthcare to improve lives.”

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