New Diagnostic Blood Test a Game Changer for Early Breast Cancer Detection

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 04 Jul 2023

Every year, over two million new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed worldwide, posing a significant risk to women. Early detection is crucial for survival. While mammograms have been in use for more than thirty years, a non-invasive blood test for diagnosing breast cancer could now be used alongside current breast cancer screening methods.

Researchers at The University of Sydney (NSW, Australia) have been collaborating with BCAL Diagnostics (Sydney, NSW, Australia) to develop a diagnostic blood test for breast cancer that could revolutionize the diagnosis of the disease. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, researchers have identified unique lipid biomarkers for breast cancer by Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LCMS).

Image: The diagnostic blood test for breast cancer will enable early detection (Photo courtesy of Freepik)

The technology will initially complement current imaging technologies, such as the mammogram, while researchers further progress the development of a monitoring and screening test suitable for women of all ages and backgrounds in any location. Their aim is to get the blood test accredited and launched by 2024. The test has 91% sensitivity and 80% specificity. It is hoped to be a game changer when it comes to early detection.

“The advancement of commercialization for blood screening for breast cancer is a vital step in our ability to develop a suite of screening tools for early detection," said Professor Sarah Lewis, Associate Dean (Research Performance) in the Faculty of Medicine and Health.

Related Links:
The University of Sydney
BCAL Diagnostics 

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