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World-First Smartphone-Powered 5 Marker Lipid Test Aids in Early Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 05 May 2023

Cardiovascular disease (CVD), accountable for 32% of global deaths annually, is the world's leading cause of death. These largely preventable fatalities highlight the urgent need for improved access to CVD testing and subsequent treatment, a pressing concern worldwide. Now, an innovative diagnostic tool for CVD enables early detection by facilitating accurate blood testing via a smartphone or tablet, with results accessible through an app.

PocDoc (Cambridge, UK) has pioneered a groundbreaking smartphone-based lipid test capable of delivering a 5 marker lipid panel via the PocDoc app in under six minutes, with results instantaneously shared with the healthcare system. This technology allows lipid testing to extend beyond the confines of general practice surgeries, thereby drastically enhancing accessibility to testing and subsequently preventing more individuals from developing CVD.

Image: PocDoc offers the world’s first app based five marker lipid test (Photo courtesy of PocDoc)
Image: PocDoc offers the world’s first app based five marker lipid test (Photo courtesy of PocDoc)

Despite its importance, comprehensive 5 marker cholesterol testing is a significant hurdle in diagnosing and treating CVD. The PocDoc Lipid test is the world's first app-based 5 marker lipid test that checks for five biomarkers, including HDL, Non-HDL, Triglycerides, and Total Cholesterol. By delivering results almost instantly via a mobile app, the PocDoc Lipid test significantly reduces the time to treatment. The quantitative lateral flow test is capable of expanding access to CVD testing and follow-up treatment, which poses a significant challenge globally.

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