Minimally Invasive Blood Test Detects Breast Cancer at Earlier Stages

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 20 Apr 2023

Breast cancer is the most common cancer globally, with one in eight women developing invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. Early detection is critical in cancer diagnosis, significantly impacting the chances of survival. However, a considerable number of women miss the opportunity for an early, life-saving diagnosis. While many invasive breast cancers are detected through screening, a large portion remains undetected. Furthermore, mammography alone cannot identify all early-stage cancers, particularly in women with dense breast tissue. Now, a blood test for breast cancer screening offers a simple, convenient, and precise method to promote early detection for women.

The Syantra DX Breast Cancer test from Syantra (Calgary, AB, Canada) is a minimally invasive blood test designed to detect an active breast cancer signature in its earliest, more treatable stages. The test analyzes gene expression patterns of 12 distinct biomarkers in whole blood using a custom qPCR process and proprietary software, which incorporates machine learning-derived algorithms. This molecular approach to breast cancer screening enables early-stage detection of the invasive disease.

Image: The Syantra DX breast cancer test has obtained CE marking (Photo courtesy of Freepik)

The Syantra DX Breast Cancer process entails collecting a whole blood sample, transporting it to an accredited clinical laboratory for molecular processing, and generating results through Syantra's custom software. A custom developed laboratory information system tracks samples throughout the workflow and monitors crucial analytical validation characteristics. The entire process, from sample collection to result generation, has been designed, developed, and validated to ensure consistent test outcomes. The final result indicates whether the sample is positive or negative for the breast cancer signature. Syantra has secured CE marking for the Syantra DX Breast Cancer test, allowing the company to market the blood test in the European Union and other countries recognizing the designation.

"Obtaining CE marking for the Syantra DX Breast Cancer test brings us one step closer to helping women across the globe detect breast cancer at earlier stages when it is most treatable," said Dr. Kristina Rinker, Syantra Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer.

"Syantra's blood-based test may help improve breast cancer detection for women with high-risk of developing breast cancer, particularly young individuals with genetic predisposition and women with dense breasts or diverse ethnic backgrounds. For those women, standard screening mammogram may be inadequate and more sensitive tests are urgently needed," said Dr. Massimo Cristofanilli, Professor of Medicine, Director of Breast Medical Oncology and Associate Director of Precision Medicine in the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center at Weill Cornell Medicine, who also serves as a paid scientific advisory board member for Syantra.

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