Novel Phage- and CRISPR-Based Approaches to Enable Diagnosis of Sepsis in Blood Samples

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 03 Nov 2022

Sepsis is a severe and life-threatening condition caused by bacterial infection and is one of the most common causes of death in hospitalized patients. Nearly 1.7 million adults in the U.S. develop sepsis, and a quarter of that number die from the infection. Some infections cannot be resolved by general antibiotics because of strains of bacteria mutating, making it a challenge to provide adequate treatment. Due to the dynamic and acute nature of sepsis, it requires immediate medical treatment. If sepsis is not diagnosed and treated quickly, septic shock will occur, thus resulting in failing blood pressure and loss of sufficient oxygen to organs of the body. Current diagnosing methods either are rapid but fail to offer the necessary sensitivity and accuracy or they rely on culture-based colony counting which does not meet the speed required. A team of researchers is now working to develop novel phage- and CRISPR-based approaches to detect and treat sepsis, including hybrid bio-inorganic nanobots, CRISPR-based devices, and CRISPR-quipped engineered phages.

Juhong Chen, assistant professor of biological systems engineering in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and College of Engineering at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA, USA), has received a five-year, USD 1.9 million grant as part of the NIH’s Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award for Early State Investigators program. This is given to faculty researchers who have demonstrated foundational biomedical technologies, such as prototype devices and applications that could advance important medical breakthroughs. One of the many areas under review by the NIH is sepsis - specifically toward effective treatment options, better diagnosis technologies, and to further clarify key risk factors. Chen and his research group also aim to address challenges for the detection of sepsis-related pathogens in blood samples. Chen’s research could lead to formulating a revolutionary strategy to diagnose sepsis in blood samples in the future.

Image: Researcher Juhong Chen is developing biosensing technologies to detect emerging pathogens in clinical samples (Photo courtesy of Virginia Tech)

“Our study will lay down the foundation for better understanding, diagnosing, and treating sepsis in hospitalized patients,” Chen said. “Providing reliable, sensitive, and timely detection of sepsis-related bacteria is crucial for improving patient survival rate.”

Related Links:
Virginia Tech 

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