Meridian Bioscience Launches Two New Master Mixes That Detect DNA and RNA in Crude Saliva Samples

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 01 Feb 2022

Meridian Bioscience, Inc. (Cincinnati, OH, USA) has launched two new master mixes that detect DNA and RNA in crude saliva samples.

These two new mixes, Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Saliva Mix and Lyo-Ready Direct RNA/DNA qPCR Saliva Mix can be used in liquid format or lyophilized. Both mixes accelerate the development of diagnostic assays and improve assay sensitivity using saliva samples with direct qPCR protocols. Saliva is a non-invasive clinical sample utilized for diagnostic testing across many diseases, including cancer, HIV, and respiratory diseases (e.g., flu, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, and COVID-19). Saliva is one of the easiest samples to collect and handle; however, PCR inhibitors naturally present in high concentrations in the sample create challenges in developing highly sensitive and reliable saliva-based assays.


Similar to the innovative portfolio of Air-Dryable sample-specific master mixes, Meridian's new Lyo-Ready saliva-specific master mixes are optimized for use on crudely processed saliva or sputum samples for enhanced assay sensitivity and flexible protocols. They are "ready-to-use," with no further optimization required aside from the addition of primers and probes. Additionally, these mixes are stable in a liquid format or can be lyophilized to create ambient temperature-stable assays for point-of-care applications.

"With the surge of COVID-19 infections caused by the Omicron variant along with a rapid increase of other respiratory infections, the need for direct saliva testing has never been greater," said Lourdes Weltzien, Ph.D., Executive Vice President - Life Science. "Direct RT-qPCR saliva assays offer fast and convenient sample analysis, improve logistics and reduce costs involved in sample handling and transport. We are pleased to be the first to offer a complete solution for anyone developing a saliva-based molecular assay, whether in liquid, lyophilized or air-dried format."

Related Links:
Meridian Bioscience, Inc.

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