Gene Expression Signatures to Guide Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 23 Sep 2008
A molecular diagnostic test will be developed to guide clinicians in their choice of currently available treatments for ovarian cancer.

Transgenomic (Omaha, NE, USA) has partnered with Key Genomics (Charlottesville VA, USA) to improve ovarian cancer patient outcomes through personalized medicine. Transgenomic's highly sensitive technologies for DNA mutation detection and analysis will complement and enhance Key Genomics predictive algorithm, CO-eXpression ExtrapolatioN (COXEN), which combines genomic and pharmacologic response data on a set of widely used cancer cell lines to generate molecular signatures of patient response to specific anticancer agents. This innovative test is intended to provide the optimal therapy recommendation according to the molecular characteristics of each patient's tumor.

Ovarian cancers are often diagnosed at the advanced stage of disease, after the tumor has spread beyond the ovary. Initial investigation of COXEN-derived genomic signatures in clinical trials has demonstrated that the test can distinguish responders from patients who do not benefit from a therapy.

Tim Gallagher CEO of Key Genomics CEO, said, "An algorithm that could quickly sort molecular information about a patient's particular tumor, and then match this information with the right drug treatment would be a valuable medical breakthrough. COXEN has the potential to bring significant healthcare and economic value by personalizing cancer therapy by using such a method-- an algorithm based on in vitro response to anticancer drugs.”

Related Links:
Key Genomics

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