New Technology that Detects MRSA in 15 Minutes Introduced at MEDLAB Middle East 2020
By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 06 Feb 2020
Scope Fluidics Group (Warsaw, Poland) presented its new PCR|ONE system at MEDLAB Middle East, one of the world’s major events in the field of medical diagnostics that was held in Dubai World Trade Center and attended by thousands of visitors from over 135 countries.Posted on 06 Feb 2020
New technology and the latest innovations in laboratory medicine were the main focus of the inaugural Transformation Talks, taking place at MEDLAB Middle East held from February 3-6, 2020. In line with the show’s theme of Transforming tomorrow’s diagnostics, a range of new features were added to the 2020 edition of MEDLAB Middle East, including the Transformation Hub, where manufacturers had the opportunity to pitch their healthcare solutions to thousands of distributors.
Image: The PCR ONE system (Photo courtesy of Scope Fluidics Group)
Scope Fluidics introduced the PCR|ONE system to the participants of Transformation Talks at this year’s MEDLAB. The PCR|ONE is a 15-minute Point-Of-Care PCR for screening and syndromic testing that offers the world’s most rapid detection of bacteria and viruses – up to 20 different pathogens and drug resistance genes. The system is designed to analyze samples taken from a single patient in as little as 15 minutes, while its compact size makes it suitable for use in almost any medical practice or hospital admissions room.
“Technology is truly transforming medical diagnostics and healthcare and we are excited to take part in this process and contribute to faster and better access to information. This access to information is key to effective treatment because information allows for better formation of decisions. It saves lives and increases the comfort of patients and, ultimately, helps to reduce healthcare costs,” said Prof. Piotr Garstecki, CEO and Founder of Scope Fluidics Group. “The search and destroy policy urgently requires a rapid, accessible, and affordable diagnostic method than can be used in various settings. We believe PCR|ONE meets this crucial global need for a single-step method for rapidly and inexpensively identifying MRSA directly from nasal swabs.”
Related Links:
Scope Fluidics Group