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DiaSource Presents New Trio of ELISA Instruments

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 11 Nov 2024

DiaSource ImmunoAssays S.A. (Walloon Brabant, Belgium) is showcasing its full product range, from ELISA and RIA tests to antibodies and cutting-edge instruments at MEDICA 2024.

DiaSource is also announcing the addition of a new rapid test (POCT) and its respective reader to its portfolio. These products complete the company’s panel with additional technologies and interesting parameters in the fields of women’s health, tumor markers, drugs of abuse, infectious diseases, and cardiac markers. DiaSource is also launching a series of new antibodies in the fields of Alzheimer's disease, cardiac markers, diabetes, and fertility. These antibodies have proven to be reliable raw materials in the manufacturing of immunoassays such as CLIA, ELISA, FIA, and POCT.

Image: DiaSource is highlighting the new version of its ELISA reader, washer and shaker at this year’s MEDICA (Photo courtesy of DiaSource)
Image: DiaSource is highlighting the new version of its ELISA reader, washer and shaker at this year’s MEDICA (Photo courtesy of DiaSource)

At this year’s MEDICA, DiaSource is highlighting the new version of its ELISA reader, washer, and shaker. DiaSource’s new range of instruments for manual ELISA tests include the ELISA Plate Reader (DIA2000), ELISA Plate Washer (DIA3000), and ELISA Plate Shaker (DIA4000). These instruments now have a modern, sophisticated look, with an improved user interface designed to simplify the laboratory's operations and streamline data management. The ELISA Plate Reader (DIA2000), now IVDR compliant, is designed according to the principle of enzyme-linked immunoassay technology. Developed with a vertical 8-channel optical path, it can be used for single and dual wavelength measurements. The advantage is to provide absorbance, qualitative, and quantitative test results.

The ELISA Plate Washer (DIA3000) is a laboratory device specially used for cleaning microplates and performing the wash step in an ELISA procedure. It is generally used in conjunction with the ELISA Plate Reader. The user-friendly operating system allows customization of various parameters such as plate type, number of washes, wash solution quantity, plate washing method, suction point, soaking and stirring time. Its outstanding performance results in residual volumes of less than 1µl, using a 2-point aspiration process to help better achieve these precise results. The ELISA Plate Shaker (DIA4000) is mainly used for shaking and heating ELISA microplates during the incubation step of an ELISA procedure. In terms of heating, the advantage of this shaker is that it can heat both the top and bottom of the cover, significantly improving the temperature uniformity of the microplate. It also has a good sealing system to ensure that the temperature remains stable throughout the incubation period.

Related Links:
DiaSource ImmunoAssays S.A.

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