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EUROIMMUN Showcases Immunoassay Testing Products at MEDICA 2019

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 19 Nov 2019
EUROIMMUN AG (Lübeck, Germany) showcased its intelligent automation solutions for processing and evaluation of test systems, such as ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence tests, immunoblots, molecular genetic detection, and chemiluminescence immunoassays, at MEDICA 2019, which took place from 18-21 November in Düsseldorf, Germany. The MEDICA is the world's largest medical trade fair for medical technology, electromedical equipment, laboratory equipment, diagnostics and pharmaceuticals. More than 5,000 exhibitors from 70 countries presented their newest products and ideas at MEDICA which also drew 120,000 trade visitors from over 170 countries.

EUROIMMUN produces test systems for the laboratory diagnosis of autoimmune and infectious diseases, allergies, and for gene analyses. In the foreground are test systems for the determination of antibodies, but also of antigens and genetic markers in patient samples. They are based on both immunohisto-chemical and biochemical methods, such as indirect immunofluorescence, microtiter ELISAs and different blot techniques (Westernblot, EUROASSAY, EUROLINE, EUROLINE-WB), and techniques from molecular biology (microarray).

Image: EUROBlotOne (Photo courtesy of EUROIMMUN)
Image: EUROBlotOne (Photo courtesy of EUROIMMUN)

At MEDICA 2019, EUROIMMUN showcased the EUROLabWorkstations for ELISA and IIFT, the company’s high-throughput instruments for fully automated processing for large sample volumes; MERGITE!, its stand-alone device for washing of IIFT slides that guarantees important throughput by parallel washing of up to 50 substrate fields; and the EUROPattern Microscope Live for live microscopy via touch screen and fully automated image recording in less than two seconds per image.

EUROIMMUN also highlighted its EUROBlotOne, an instrument for fully automated processing of immunoblots, at this year’s MEDICA. EUROBlotOne automatically processes immunoblot tests – from sample ­ identification to the final result and features integrated barcode identification to ensure that the correct samples are pipetted. Autoimmune diagnostics, infectious serology and allergology can all be performed on one system which features several innovative multi-parameter tests. It also has a high walk-away capacity with the capability for analyzing up to 44 samples in one run.

EUROIMMUN showcased the PreNat II for efficient extraction of nucleic acids and preparation of PCR reactions as well as the EUROArrayScanner for evaluation of its molecular genetic tests. Also on display at the event was the RA Analyzer 10, a compact random-access instrument from EUROIMMUN for complete automation of chemiluminescence immunoassays.

EUROIMMUN also presented its new test systems, such as the Aspergillus Antigen ELISA (detection of galactomannoprotein for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis), the EUROArray Dermatomycosis (microarray for complete identification of the most important pathogens causing fungal infection of the skin), and the company’s growing portfolio of its new bead-based ChLIAs for use on random-access devices.

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