EKF Diagnostics Showcases Full Product Range at MEDICA 2019
By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 18 Nov 2019
EKF Diagnostics (Cardiff, Wales, UK) showcased its full product range, including the Quo-Test A1c, Quo-Lab A1c, Hemo Control, DiaSpect Tm and Lactate Scout 4 analyzers. More than 5,000 exhibitors from 70 countries presented their newest products and ideas at the MEDICA 2019 Trade Fair held in Düsseldorf, Germany from 18-21st November. The event also drew more than 120,000 trade visitors from over 170 countries.Posted on 18 Nov 2019
EKF Diagnostics is a global medical manufacturer of point-of-care (POCT) devices and tests for hemoglobin, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), glucose and lactate. Its POC analyzers are designed for use within doctors' surgeries, clinics, hospitals and laboratories to provide fast and accurate results at an affordable price. EKF Central Laboratory division manufactures a wide spectrum of reagents for use in hospital laboratories across a broad portfolio of automated and semi-automated analyzers.

Image: Quo-Lab HbA1c Analyzer (Photo courtesy of EKF Diagnostics)
Among its Hemoglobin products on display at MEDICA 2019 were the Hemo Control POC hemoglobin analyzer designed to provide quantitative, lab quality hemoglobin results from 25 seconds; DiaSpect Tm, the world’s fastest hemoglobin analyzer that delivers laboratory quality results in just about one second of the microcuvette being placed into the palm-sized analyzer; and the HemataStat II microhematocrit centrifuge that provides a quantitative hematocrit reading for up to six blood samples from one 60 second spin.
EKF Diagnostics’ Diabetes products on display at this year’s MEDICA included the Quo-Lab HbA1c semi-automated desktop POC analyzer for measuring glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c); the Quo-Test fully automated desktop POC analyzer designed for easy and reliable HbA1c measurement for the monitoring and management of diabetes in a POC setting such as diabetes clinics and doctors’ surgeries; and the Biosen series of glucose analyzers that can test blood, plasma or serum to provide glucose and lactate values with excellent precision (less than 2% CV) over a wide measurement range.
In the Sports segment, EKF Diagnostics displayed the Lactate Scout 4 handheld analyzer that requires a very small blood sample to deliver lactate measurement in 10 seconds and is programmed with step-testing features designed to improve athletic performance over time.
EKF Diagnostics also displayed its Maternal & Women’s Health products, including the Creamatocrit Plus breast milk fat analyzer which is the first and only system dedicated to providing a fast, accurate creamatocrit measure; and its QuPID and True 20 pregnancy tests cassettes that are CLIA waived and provide results in three minutes when testing urine with clearly readable results.
Also on display at MEDICA 2019 were products from EKF Central Laboratory, including Stanbio Chemistry LiquiColor Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (B-HB) reagent to detect ketones for identifying patients suffering from diabetic ketoacidosis, among other clinical applications; the Procalcitonin Liquicolor immunoturbidimetric assay that can be used in conjunction with other tests to quickly assess initial severity of sepsis; and Glycated Serum Protein LiquiColor Assay that offers a two to three week indicator of average blood glucose, closing the information gap between daily glucose levels and quarterly HbA1c testing.
Related Links:
EKF Diagnostics