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Revolutionary Test Enables Precision-Guided Dosing for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 18 Feb 2022

Prometheus Laboratories Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA) has launched PredictrPK IFX, a test that aids healthcare providers with biologic dose optimization through individualized pharmacokinetic modeling.

The value of adaptive dosing has been demonstrated in recent clinical studies, and PredictrPK brings this advancement into routine clinical practice for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). PredictrPK IFX combines serology markers, patient-specific variables, current dosing information, and a proprietary machine-learning algorithm to provide individualized actionable insights to optimize the dose and interval for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients treated with infliximab (IFX) or IFX biosimiliars. PredictrPK IFX is currently validated for IBD steady-state maintenance patients treated (for ≥ 14 continuous weeks) with IFX therapy, and can be performed as early as 20 days after the last infusion. Test results include current infliximab, antibody, and albumin levels as well as estimated serum infliximab levels based on current dose and interval, and pharmacokinetic-guided doses and intervals.

Image: PredictrPK IFX Test Enables Precision-Guided Dosing for IBD (Photo courtesy of Pexels)
Image: PredictrPK IFX Test Enables Precision-Guided Dosing for IBD (Photo courtesy of Pexels)

"PredictrPK IFX is the first in a family of PredictrPK tests. Validations are already underway to expand the claims of PredictrPK IFX for use earlier in patient management during the drug induction phase, along with development of PredictrPK tests for other IBD and inflammatory disease biologics," remarked Thierry Dervieux, PharmD., Ph.D., DABCC., Chief Scientific Officer at Prometheus.

Related Links:
Prometheus Laboratories Inc. 

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