Sebia Displays Automated, High Throughput Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) Instruments at EUROMEDLAB 2022
Posted on 12 Apr 2022
Sebia (Lisses, France) displayed its capillary electrophoresis (CE) instruments designed to provide complete automation, with fast protein separation at high resolution at EUROMEDLAB 2022.
CE allows a rapid and accurate signature-based measurement for major chronic diseases diagnosis and monitoring and is routinely used in clinical laboratories for screening of serum and other fluids for protein abnormalities. At EUROMEDLAB 2022, Sebia demonstrated CAPILLARYS 3 TERA MC configuration that allows the combination of one to three CAPILLARYS 3 TERA instruments to a Sebia loader, with a loading capacity of 528 samples in one row. This high volume workcell provides three hours autonomy on HbA1c, and hemoglobin testing, and more than two hours on proteins, processing up to 528 samples in one go. The system can be fed continuously with additional racks, and the reagent management system allows ad-hoc reagent addition at any time, without interruption.

Sebia also highlighted its CAPILLARYS 3 DBS high throughput solution for newborn hemoglobin disorders screening. CE is also a proven technology for hemoglobin disorders screening and provides high quality results. Sebia CAPILLARYS 3 DBS is the latest generation of instrument dedicated to newborn hemoglobin screening, offering a smooth workflow and excellent analytical features. The CAPILLARYS 3 DBS instrument is an automated, multitasking capillary electrophoresis instrument using 12 capillaries for multiple simultaneous hands-free electrophoretic separations at high throughput.
The CAPILLARYS 3 DBS enables the analysis of samples from microplate wells and provides fully automated electrophoresis separation, from the dried blood spots on filter paper (Guthrie card) through to the final electrophoretic pattern: sample identification, sample dilution, sample incubation, capillary washing, sample injection into the capillaries, migration, detection, processing of the results, and transfer over the computer interface. This instrument is an interesting alternative to commonly used technology such as IEF and HPLC for all the laboratories involved in newborn hemoglobin screening, bringing seamless sample traceability, high quality results, and high throughput while offering a reduced hands-on time.
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