Low-Cost Multiplexed Electrochemical Biomarker Detection Platform to Be Commercialized in POC Diagnostics

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 09 Mar 2022

A low-cost multiplexed electrochemical biomarker detection platform will be commercialized in point-of-care diagnostics to be put into the hands of patients and primary health practitioners.

Harvard Wyss Institute (Boston, MA, USA) and The iQ Group Global Ltd. (Sydney, NSW, Australia) have licensed the Institute’s electrochemical eRapid technology to Antisoma Therapeutics Pty. Ltd., a subsidiary of The iQ Group Global. The licensing agreement grants Antisoma exclusive, worldwide access to the Wyss Institute’s sensor technology in the fields of respiratory viral disease, including COVID-19 and the flu, allergic responses and anaphylaxis, and cancer. The agreement enables the company to concertedly develop much-needed point-of-care diagnostics that could put results in the hands of patients and primary health practitioners in real time.

Image: The Wyss Institute’s eRapid electrochemical sensor technology (Photo courtesy of Harvard Wyss Institute)

Since 2020, the Wyss Institute has collaborated with The iQ Group Global in an effort to expedite the development of a fast, multiplexed, low-cost COVID-19 biomarker analysis for point-of-care applications. Exchanging sensor prototypes, specific know-how, and product development expertise, the Wyss Institute and The iQ Group Global worked jointly toward combining eRapid technology developed for SARS-CoV-2 detection with The Group’s transistor technology, which is based on Organic Thin Film Transistor Technology (OTFT), and the combination of the two technologies was able to significantly enhance the electrical signals.

eRapid as a low-cost, affinity-based electrochemical sensing platform that can simultaneously detect and quantify a broad range of biomarkers with high sensitivity and selectivity in a small volume of blood and other complex biological fluids. The technology uses a novel, low-cost, antifouling nanocomposite coating to which ligands for a broad range of biomarkers, including RNAs, proteins, host antibodies, and metabolites can be attached. Upon chemically detecting a target biomarker, the eRapid platform generates an electrical signal within minutes that correlates in strength with the levels of the bound biomarker.

Through an extensive de-risking process, the Wyss team significantly enhanced the applicability and cost-effectiveness of eRapid technology by building multiplexing capabilities into it, which enables each eRapid sensor chip to simultaneously detect multiple biomarkers and produce independent electrical signals for each of them. They replaced the original surface chemistry with a graphene-based chemistry that further enhances biomarker detection, and by streamlining the fabrication of eRapid sensors with a “dip coating method,” reduced the time needed for coating the sensor surface with the graphene chemistry from 24 hours down to less than a minute. This last engineering feat also dramatically decreased the fabrication costs for eRapid sensors and made them storable with minimal loss of electrical signal, which will greatly facilitate their commercialization and increase their usefulness in future point-of-care diagnostic assays, as tests taken remotely can also be sent to central laboratories for their analysis.

“This license marks an important moment in moving eRapid technology out into the world where it could improve the lives of patients suffering from infectious, immune, or cancer diseases, whose rapid diagnosis requires the detection of multiple biomarkers,” said Wyss Institute Founding Director Donald Ingber, M.D., Ph.D.

“Through different stages of the development and validation process, we have created eRapid-based biomarker panels as precision instruments for several disorders with a strong focus also on COVID-19 detection,” said Wyss senior staff scientist Pawan Jolly, Ph.D. “We are confident that in the hands of Antisoma Therapeutics, our technology will be used to close important diagnostic gaps.”

“This is a great time that we live in as we become part of the convergence of multiple technologies such as biosensors, 5G connectivity and nano technology. We are on the verge of making personalized medicine not only a reality, but accessible and affordable to everyone,” added Dr. George Syrmalis, CEO and Chairman of The iQ Group Global. “Our priority is to continue developing and commercializing the saliva quantitative COVID test, standardized against the World Health Organization (WHO) reference preparation, which will allow patients and physicians to determine immunity based on antibody load, and thus determine if and when additional vaccination shots are needed. This level of accuracy will rationalize repeat vaccination protocols, increase the efficiency of health care services while dramatically reducing costs to governments and the health care sector.”

Related Links:
Harvard Wyss Institute 
The iQ Group Global Ltd. 

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