New RNA Research Kits Save Time, Reduce Variability

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 03 Jun 2010
Two assay kits for RNA research are among several new products recently made available to molecular biologists and genome researchers.

Two assay systems recently released for marketing by Qiagen (Hilden, Germany) focus on RNA research. The first is called "FlexiTube siRNA Premix.” In this product siRNA for the gene of interest and a highly efficient transfection reagent are already premixed and provided in a single tube.

FlexiTube siRNA Premix includes a specialized buffer that increases the stability of siRNA-reagent complexes. The ratio of reagent to siRNA in FlexiTube siRNA Premix is preoptimized to provide the highest transfection efficiency and gene knockdown. FlexiTube siRNA Premix is ready-to-use for cell transfection. The user simply adds the reagents to cells and incubates. This saves a significant amount of time and labor compared to a typical transfection experiment in which siRNA is diluted, mixed with transfection reagent, and then incubated to allow siRNA-reagent complex formation prior to adding the complexes to the cells and incubating.

With FlexiTube siRNA Premix, RNAi experiments get off to a faster start, as there is no need to optimize siRNA to reagent ratio. Tedious optimization experiments involving multiple transfections are minimized or eliminated, as FlexiTube siRNA Premix provides siRNA and reagent premixed at an optimal ratio. Multiple transfections can be performed from a single FlexiTube siRNA Premix, which reduces variability, enabling consistency across experiments and more reliable results.

The second line of products for RNA research is "miScript Target Protectors.” These are innovative tools that provide valuable insights into the roles of miRNAs in regulation of individual genes. A miScript Target Protector is designed to protect the miRNA-binding site of a specific target gene. After transfection, the miScript Target Protector binds to the miRNA-binding site, blocking miRNA access to the site and preventing gene downregulation by a specific miRNA.

miScript Target Protector transfection is followed by phenotype or gene expression analysis. Increased target-gene expression, a change in signaling patterns, or an altered phenotype, can all provide evidence that the miRNA and target under study are involved in the pathway or phenotype of interest. The role of miRNAs in various pathways can be studied by examination of specific phenotypes after transfection of different miScript Target Protectors.

Information about these and other genomic research tools is easily accessed through the "GeneGlobe” portal located at Qiagen's website.

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