Sebia Showcases HbA1c Testing Solutions for Every Size Laboratory at AACC 2022
Posted on 27 Jul 2022
Sebia (Lisses, France) is showcasing its wide portfolio of instruments and tests designed to address clinical needs and improve laboratory efficiency and safety at the 2022 AACC Clinical Lab Expo. From the lowest to the highest volumes, with standalone instruments to workcell configurations, Sebia will highlight various solutions for laboratories at the event.
At AACC 2022, Sebia is demonstrating the CAPILLARYS 3 TERA MC high throughput capillary electrophoresis system that allows the combination of one to three CAPILLARYS 3 TERA instruments to a Sebia loader, with a loading capacity of 528 samples in one row. This high volume workcell provides three hours autonomy on HbA1c, and hemoglobin testing, and more than two hours on proteins, processing up to 528 samples in one go. The system can be fed continuously with additional racks, and the reagent management system allows ad-hoc reagent addition at any time, without interruption. Sebia also highlighted its portfolio of tests from multiple myeloma to metabolic disorders, hemoglobinopathies and genetic diseases.

In addition, Sebia will showcase its fully automated, random access Alegria 2 ELISA platform with its comprehensive menu of antigen assays & panels utilizing a unique Monotest strip technology that allows serum, plasma, and fecal sample testing in the same run. Visitors to the company’s AACC 2022 booth can learn about Phoresis CORE, the unified software solution for labs utilizing Sebia instruments which offers traceable patient sampling from reagent to result, remote interpretation in real-time, from anywhere, and with comprehensive patient history for all of its assays. Visitors can also learn how labs can partner with the company for its Sebia Workflow Service to maximize automation, reduce errors, and improve workflow.
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