Orion Diagnostica Showcases Rapid Test and Molecular Platform at Lab Show
By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 31 Jul 2018
Orion Diagnostica showcased QuikRead go CRP, along with other QuikRead go products, Hygicult and Easicult for hygiene monitoring and Orion GenRead molecular platform at the 70th American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Laboratory Expo in Chicago, USA.Posted on 31 Jul 2018
Orion Diagnostica is an IVD company focusing on point-of-care diagnostics. The company develops, manufactures and markets fast, reliable and easy to use diagnostic tests and test solutions for healthcare professionals, especially in primary healthcare.
Image: The QuikRead go CRP kit (Photo courtesy of Orion Diagnostica).
At AACC 2018, Orion Diagnostica showcased QuikRead go CRP, a fast and simple rapid test for quantitative determination of C-reactive protein (CRP) in whole blood, serum and plasma with the QuikRead go instrument. The test gives reliable results that are comparable to laboratory test results within minutes and speeds up the path to the right diagnosis.
Alongside the QuikRead go CRP, the company showcased the Hygicult and Easicult products for hygiene monitoring. The Hygicult product line comprises of a selection of dipslide culture tests, which are designed for reliable, economic and time saving on-site microbial detection, especially on surfaces. Orion Diagnostica’s Easicult products are easy to use culture tests intended for monitoring microbial contaminations in industrial fluids.
The company also showcased its Orion GenRead molecular platform at the event. The flexible benchtop solution for amplification and detection of nucleic acids includes a small instrument and ready to use kits. Orion GenRead is intended for the rapid detection of pathogens, offering a fast and accurate alternative for nucleic acid testing in various laboratory settings.